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The language acquisition of mother tongue of children and the ideal time to learn languages
These are just a few of the many changes that are taking place between birth and linguistic maturity in terms of language learning, processing, and production. During this time, kids learn how to identify the raw materials in their language's sounds (or gestures), how to put them together into longer strings, and how to map these combinations onto meaning. These processes happen simultaneously, encouraging kids to integrate their skills as they learn in order to better comprehend the communication code that surrounds them. Despite levels of complexity that are now above the capabilities of modern computers, young children are competent at solving language problems, even surpassing their input when it lacks the required structure. Researchers are combining a variety of techniques to explore the mechanisms behind language acquisition with equal tenacity. Infants' early language-learning mechanisms can be studied months before they say their first word by capturing subtle responses to novel combinations of sounds. Experiments applying real-time measures of information processing can reveal how linguistic and nonlinguistic information are incorporated during listening once toddlers begin to link words together. Natural studies in which children are exposed to a limited amount of language can reveal the level of inborn language-learning abilities as well as their impact on language formation and modification. These and other ways probing the child's mind will reveal the child's solution to the puzzle of acquiring a language as they are developed and their discoveries combined.
1.1.2. When is the ideal time to learn a new language?
Enlightened educational systems today know better. Foreign languages are introduced in elementary school. Little children tend to learn with much ease than students in high school. However, new research suggests that if you want to do it effective, you should start much earlier. Begin when your child is learning his or her first language. Babies have a remarkable ability to absorb information. A foreign language is no longer a luxury in today's complex world; it is a requirement. We now know that learning a foreign language benefits youngsters in unexpected ways. Bloch, C., and Edwards, V. (1999). Research has shown that those who speak a foreign language have a greater ability to communicate, better cognitive growth, a broader cultural understanding, and, ultimately, better work chances. Furthermore, by the time they reach college, today's children will be expected to know two or more languages. According to research, the optimal period to introduce new languages to a young child is between the ages of birth to ten. The youngster will learn the language more effortlessly, remember it better, and speak it with relatively close to native pronunciation most of the time. According to new research, a young child up to the age of five can learn and comprehend up to five languages!
2. Conclusion
The best way to learn the language is through primary school and youngsters. Because learning a language in one's native tongue within one's first ten years of life allows impaired pupils to communicate without the need for translation, interpretation, or changing the meaning of the language from one's native tongue to the target language. This implies that an language speaker will be able to speak as if it were his or her first language without using it. The ideal time to learn a language is during childhood. Learning a new language becomes more difficult as you get older. The brain is hard-wired to learn language spontaneously between birth and puberty. The nature of language learning and storage alters as a kid approaches puberty, becoming less flexible. Nevertherless, it shouldn't be considered that the language learning is only limited to childhood. Language learning couldn't be fixed and limited to a particular age. The point of this article is to explain the ease of learning during childhood and inform the parents to take action on time. is an online language teaching course where the experiences teachers choose proper methods, approaches and strategies according to individual needs of learners, taking into account their ages, interests in engaging classes with qualified teachers.